3d Max Keyboard Shortcuts Pdf Download


Ultimate traffic 2 power pack. Yes, please see the list below: 1. Navigation W or Arrow Up Move camera forward. S or Arrow Down Move camera backward. A or Arrow Left Move camera left.

Feb 20, 2015 - Below is a list of keyboard shortcuts that help speed up workflow and efficiency. Shortcuts on yellow background are the default ones with 3ds Max. Note: If after clicking the social network the download button does not. Important: 3ds Max has multiple sets of keyboard shortcuts. If your hotkeys. Click the button on the Main Toolbar labeled “Keyboard Shortcut Override Toggle.”.

D or Arrow Right Move camera right. Q Move camera up. E Move camera down. SPACEBAR + W/S/A/D/Q/E Move camera very slowly. SHIFT + W/S/A/D/Q/E Move camera faster.

SHIFT + SPACEBAR + W/S/A/D/Q/E Move camera very fast. RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON + Move mouse Look around. MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON + Move mouse Pan camera. SPACEBAR + MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON + Move mouse Pan camera very slowly. SHIFT + MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON + Move mouse Pan camera faster. SHIFT + SPACEBAR + MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON + Move mouse Pan camera very fast.

MOUSEWHEEL UP/DOWN Move camera forwards/backwards. CTRL + H Reset camera pitch to horizontal viewpoint.

O + RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON Orbit camera. First, move the camera so that the crosshairs [ ] are placed at the point on a model that you want to orbit around. Double-click with RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON on models Instantly teleport to the position that you clicked on. Miscellaneous F1 Editor quality: 1 Star (Shadows off and some Movie Effects off).

F2 Editor quality: 2 Stars ( OmniShadows off). F3 Editor quality: 3 Stars (Low-quality Lumion Terrain and Lumion Terrain shadows off). F4 Editor quality: 4 Stars (Highest quality level). F5 QuickSave saves a Scene file called QuickSave. F7 Switch between low-quality and high-quality Lumion Terrain.

F8 Hold down this key to temporarily show the shadows from Spotlights. F9 Toggle between low-quality and high-quality trees and plants. F11 Toggle between Build Mode and Theater Mode.

Theater Mode hides the user interface in Build Mode. Settings -> Toggle fullscreen Toggle between Full-screen and Windowed Mode. Sliders You can double-click on most sliders in Lumion to manually type in values. Press Shift while adjusting slider values to fine-tune them (more digits after the decimal point will be displayed). Save & load camera viewpoints CTRL + 1 2 3. 9 0 Use these keys to save up to 10 camera viewpoints in Photo Set 1 in Photo Mode. When using MyLumion, the Photos are saved only for MyLumion Panorama Viewpoints.

SHIFT + 1 2 3. 9 0 Load previously saved camera Viewpoints. The saved slots are also available as easily accessible thumbnail images in Photo Set 1 in Photo Mode.

Selecting, copying and moving Place Mode -> Place Object button: LEFT MOUSE BUTTON Place a copy of the selected model from the Model Library. CTRL + LEFT MOUSE BUTTON Place 10 copies of the selected model from the Model Library at random positions. V + LEFT MOUSE BUTTON Place a new model with +/-0 to 50% random scale. CTRL + V + LEFT MOUSE BUTTON Place 10 copies of the selected model from the Model Library at random positions with +/-0 to 50% random scale. Selection: Use any of the Transform Tool buttons (for example the Move Object button).

3d max keyboard shortcuts pdf download software3d Max Keyboard Shortcuts Pdf Download

CTRL + Drag with LEFT MOUSE BUTTON Rectangular selection tool for selecting multiple objects. CTRL + Click on an object icon Select/De-select an object from the current selection. CTRL + SHIFT + Drag with LEFT MOUSE BUTTON Add new rectangular selection to existing selection. CTRL + Click anywhere with LEFT MOUSE BUTTON De-select all objects. Mass Placement function: Enter Accept current Line and start a new Line.

CTRL + LEFT MOUSE BUTTON Add a point to the current Line. RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON Remove a point from the current Line. Move Mode -> Selection: LEFT MOUSE BUTTON Select/ De-select: Click on the Object Icon to add/remove it from a current selection. Drag with LEFT MOUSE BUTTON Rectangular selection tool for selecting multiple objects. Drag with LEFT MOUSE BUTTON Add new rectangular selection to existing selection.

CTRL + Click anywhere with LEFT MOUSE BUTTON De-select all objects. CTRL + LEFT MOUSE BUTTON on a Category button CTRL-clicking on a Category button now de-selects all Categories and only selects the Category that was clicked. Both Place and Move Mode: Move Object button -> ALT + Move selected object(s) Duplicate selected object(s) by holding down the ALT key while dragging one of the selected objects. H Hold down this key and the LEFT MOUSE BUTTON + drag an Object Icon to move the model up or down. L Hold down this key and the LEFT MOUSE BUTTON + drag an Object Icon to scale the model. R Hold down this key and LEFT MOUSE BUTTON + drag an Object Icon to rotate the heading of the model. N Holding down this key while moving objects will now ensure that the objects only move along the X axis.