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Details • Title How to participate in the Cheops drawing competition • Released: • Length 00:01:12 • Language English • Footage Type Animation • Copyright ESA • Description Do you want to send your art into space on the new Cheops satellite? Join the Cheops drawing competition, and be in with the chance that your drawing will be miniaturised and engraved on two plaques that will be put on the satellite. This animation shows you how to participate.

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You need to be a child between the ages of 8 and 14, from any of ESA’s Member States or cooperating states. Download and print out a standard drawing sheet (provided here: ) 3. You can be as creative as you like, as long as you let yourself be inspired by the theme of space and/or by the Cheops space telescope. Make your drawing in black and white, using a black pencil or felt-tip pen. Fill in your personal details and send your drawing via letter to either your local Cheops mission partner institution, if there is one in your home country, or to ESA directly. Entries will be accepted until 31 October 2015. Up to 3000 drawings will be shrunk down by a factor of about 1000 and engraved on the metal plaques that will fly into space on Cheops.
Find more information and the rules, terms and conditions, here.