Acer W500 Tab W7 8 Recovery Disc Set


Windows 7 users with Acer computers can follow these instructions to create the recovery. Windows 8 users can create their set of recovery disks for Acer using the. Restore Tab in Acer eRecovery Management Empowering Technology.

6/1/12 Edit: this issue occurs with both the Consumer Preview & Release Preview, just remove the SD card and you'll be on your way. See below for more info. ------------------------------------------------- During the installation of Win8 CP (also occurs with the RP) I wiped the drive for a clean install and encountered the following error: ' We couldn't create a new partition or locate an existing one. For more information, see the Setup log files.' I've wiped the drive, formatted, deleted partitions, made new ones and nothing works.

Looking at the Kingston website there is no driver available for this mSATA drive and I'm uncertain of what I should attempt to use to work around this. If it helps, I never had a problem performing a clean install with Win7. I just found a solution. Once the setup fails to find the partition, just close the setup window (the top-right-hand side red X does the job). From that point, you should be brought back at the initial setup screen.

Choose 'Repair' then go to the advanced tools and start the command line. Start DISKPART. Type LIST DISK and identify your SSD disk number (from 0 to n disks). Type SELECT DISK where is your SSD disk number. Type CLEAN Type CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY Type ACTIVE Type FORMAT FS=NTFS QUICK Type ASSIGN Type EXIT twice (one to get out of DiskPart, the other to exit the command line tool) Restart the setup using your bootable USB and once at the partition selection screen, select the partition that is listed (it will have a 'System' attribute). That worked fine for me. Funny, PHEW was the last thing I was thinking Zeke:) I'm going to need logs for this if possible.

Can you check and see if you have a $WINDOWS.~BT$ folder on the system yet? If so, I need the Sources Panther directory from the machines. If that directory doesnt exist, search the drive for the setupact.log and setuperr.log for me if you can. Last question because this has been seen on other posts already, has this image worked on any other machine? Systran 6 crack torrent pdf I just want to confirm the source is good. --Joseph [MSFT] I just found a solution.

Once the setup fails to find the partition, just close the setup window (the top-right-hand side red X does the job). From that point, you should be brought back at the initial setup screen. Choose 'Repair' then go to the advanced tools and start the command line.

Start DISKPART. Type LIST DISK and identify your SSD disk number (from 0 to n disks). Type SELECT DISK where is your SSD disk number. Type CLEAN Type CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY Type ACTIVE Type FORMAT FS=NTFS QUICK Type ASSIGN Type EXIT twice (one to get out of DiskPart, the other to exit the command line tool) Restart the setup using your bootable USB and once at the partition selection screen, select the partition that is listed (it will have a 'System' attribute). That worked fine for me. I just found a solution. Start DISKPART.

Type LIST DISK and identify your SSD disk number (from 0 to n disks). Type SELECT DISK where is your SSD disk number. Type CLEAN Type CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY Type ACTIVE Type FORMAT FS=NTFS QUICK Type ASSIGN Type EXIT twice (one to get out of DiskPart, the other to exit the command line tool) Thank you CyberNight! That worked and I took a slightly different path than you. Knowing my install would not work, I went right to DISKPART and once finished, I continued on my way to the select a drive (no reboot).

It's installing right now, thanks again! Joseph, You may be interested to know the following facts: • Once I repaired my disk using the procedure I described, I restarted the installation process.

If, when at the point where I can choose the partition, I delete the 'just fixed' partition using the UI and recreate the partition right away, it will fail with the original error. This is how I was able to get you the log. • Once in this state, I have to redo the procedure I described in a previous post to have the setup working.


• One difference I noticed is that when the setup fails, the UI (in the partition selection dialog) displays the partition as 'Primary'. When I fix it using the procedure, the UI displays it as 'System'. I must select it 'as is' for the setup to succeed. • The disk has plenty of available space since it is empty.

• The disk is set as the first boot device in the BIOS. Meanwhile, the setup was run from a bootable USB key installation. I used the boot device selection feature of my device BIOS (F12 after POST in this case). Hope this can help.