Bmw Ibus Interface Program Software
Unlike much of the proposed Ibus interface cables and circuits with external pullup resistors on the Internet, our cable is recognized as a real serial port and connection to your BMW is running by a special IBUS microchip TH3122, which is important for quality iBUS communication. Interface to iBus / KBus for 1993 BMW. And reading documentation solves most programming problems. You get a Resler iBus interface & Navcoder software.
^^pretty shocked this thread made it almost 3 months with no one bringing up the dynavin, or in this case, the shenzhen electronics dynavin ripoff. I'm pretty sure the dynavin and the szenco are the exact same unit and made in the same factory. I've seen this happen a lot where a chinese factory will sell unliscenced versions of something some other company paid them to build. But in this case, both dynavin and szenco are chinese companies so who knows whats going on. That said, I'll admit that the dynavin is a better solution for someone who wants an android head unit.

But I don't want an android head unit. I want to BUILD an android head unit. Update: Ran into a little snag. Apparently you can't charge the tab at full current and have the USB connected at the same will trickle charge and provide almost enough current to run audio, gps, and wifi at the same time. I know this because I had it running for the 6 hour drive to VIR and didn't run out of juice. With the screen off it does replenish the battery slowly.
It is what it is but I swapped out a component and actually just finished routing. I'll need to verify it over the weekend but I should have the new board in 3-4 weeks! Update: Ran into a little snag. Apparently you can't charge the tab at full current and have the USB connected at the same will trickle charge and provide almost enough current to run audio, gps, and wifi at the same time.
I know this because I had it running for the 6 hour drive to VIR and didn't run out of juice. With the screen off it does replenish the battery slowly. It is what it is but I swapped out a component and actually just finished routing. I'll need to verify it over the weekend but I should have the new board in 3-4 weeks!Does this board replace the IOIO board and the need for a dock? Also did you tablet fit in the radio/hvac opening properly or is it at an angle or partial under the dash? This does replace the IOIO board (.thats the plan anyway).
The dock was only there for convenience. What I really wanted was a single tab cable that has a USB and audio breakout but there is only one that I've found and looks really crappy. So thats what I was using the dock for.

Without the dock the only downside is you have to plug in the samsung usb cable and the headphone jack. With my ghetto bracket, the tab fills up the entire radio opening and just barely grazes the underside of the trim. If the tab was 1/4' smaller it would be perfect but it still fits.speaking of the mount, just got back from my friends house who just got a 3D printer!
Once we figure out how to use it I plan on trying to print a bracket! Also, at the last minute I decided to throw a CAN bus transciever on the board. Long term you should be able to see everything the ECU sees in real time. That feature is a long way off though.
Its been a while and I've been getting more inquiries about the board so here is a quick update: As is the custom, I'll be out of the country until October. Rest assured, I've received everyone's messages both here and at All of your interest has inspired me to move forward with the project so I will be ordering more parts when I get back, and updating the app, chasing down bugs, and making it look like a reasonable product that you don't have to be an engineer or read through all of my 'known issues' to use. See you on the other side. Last edited by goterps; at 05:19 PM. Otziv ot sosedej obrazec rk. Yeah sorry guys, the app is not ready for widespread release.