Chertezhi Dlya Ekskavatora Ekg 5
Welcome to EKG! The let's play/gaming channel of The People. The channel is run by Eric (Ejax) Lukas (Kloudy) and editor Paul (Paul). Become one of 'The People' and Subscribe.
We strive for a balance between modern and classic games that few channels seem to strike. We drop the gimmicks such as face cams out the window for a more intimate, 'Join your buddies on the couch' feel. We are a weird hybrid of podcast and let's play similar to a game grumps, but with that small channel charm that ya just don't get from bigger channels. Our side videos look to expand our content, from Kloudy's rant(s) to his top 10's, to his top 5's, to his quick reviews, Kloudy looks to use his creativity to create diverse and unique content. Trafareti i shabloni mashinokkorablikov. The brand new side seires 'Co-op Troop' Is run my editor Paul and co-host DJosh, as the two play strictly co-op games.
The schedule, can seem confusing, but it is really simple the 1 o'clock slot is for campaigns, alternating between the 2. Mon, Wed, Fri, for Kloudy, Tues, Thurs, Sat for Ejax. The 4 o'clock slot is a flex slot, Mondays it is used for Multiplayer, Tues, Thurs, Sat it is used for Co-Op troop, and Wed, and Friday can be anything! From Guests like Jake, to battles, to one-offs, to even other campaigns! Help us make the show better at: or follow us on twitter at: Edited By: Paul Christian Intro Song By: Jay Zahn (And Lukas but who cares) Intro Animation By: TheSmashToons. Thank you all for the continued support! We are nothing without The People so thank you.
Sincerely, The Boys of EKG, Eric, Lukas, and Paul.
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[] Electrocardiography ( ECG or EKG ) is the process of recording the electrical activity of the over a period of time using placed over the skin. These electrodes detect the tiny electrical changes on the skin that arise from the 's pattern of and during each. It is very commonly performed to detect any cardiac problems. In a conventional 12-lead ECG, ten electrodes are placed on the patient's limbs and on the surface of the chest.
The overall of the heart's is then measured from twelve different angles ('leads') and is recorded over a period of time (usually ten seconds). In this way, the overall magnitude and direction of the heart's electrical depolarization is captured at each moment throughout the. The graph of versus time produced by this medical procedure is an electrocardiogram. There are three main components to an ECG: the, which represents the depolarization of the atria; the, which represents the depolarization of the ventricles; and the, which represents the repolarization of the ventricles. A 12-lead ECG of a 26-year-old male with an incomplete The overall goal of performing an ECG is to obtain information about the structure and function of the heart.

Medical uses for this information are varied and generally need knowledge of the structure and/or function of the heart to be interpreted. Some for performing an ECG include: • Suspected (heart attack) or • ST elevated myocardial infarction (STEMI) • non-ST elevated myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) • Suspected or • A,, a or other findings suggestive of a structural heart disease • Perceived either by pulse or • Monitoring of known cardiac arrhythmias • or collapse • • Monitoring the effects of a medication on the heart (e.g. An electrocardiograph with integrated display and keyboard on a wheeled cart An electrocardiograph is a machine that is used to perform electrocardiography, and produces the electrocardiogram. The first electrocardiographs are discussed later and are electrically primitive compared to today's machines. The fundamental component to an ECG is the, which is responsible for taking the between leads (see below) and amplifying the signal.