Dead Stock Register Software
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Sample Asset Register/Inventory List Schools and Libraries (E-rate) Program rules state that “Schools, libraries, and consortia shall maintain asset and inventory records of equipment purchased as components of supported category.
This could also be caused by the Air conditioner compressor relay located on the front right firewall. Turn the key to on -do not start the car- and disconnect each relay and listen for a clicking sound from the a/c compressor area. This will drain the battery over time. If you are runn ing the car often you will not notice the problem but if the battery is low after a day or two of having the car parked then this could be the cause. Had a dealership tell me it was the battery too.

That battery drained over the next long weekend. Your battery is probably bad. I would suggest a new battery or an altinater. It can only be one of the two if your leaving nothing on. Sometimes, a factory radio will work and not the CD player because the CD player is broken. Also, some makes of car radios only turn the CD portion of the sound system on when a CD Rom is physically pushed gently into the sleeve. Doing this causes the CD player portion of the sound system to activat e it's power-on.
Also, if you can use your radio when the car battery is nearly dead, just remember this: a car radio takes very, very low amounts of 12 volt battery power to operate. Imagine it's just a bit more than say.a 9 volt battery. Your battery may not have enough power/juice left in it to start your car with cold cranking amps/power but it does have enough left deep inside to operate your battery. Starting a car takes more power from the battery, a lot more. Starting a tiny radio takes very little.