Dell Precision M6300 Touchpad Driver Windows 7
Please note I am an individual, not Dell and not an organisation and as a consequence don’t have access to all Dell Hardware to test. Introduction This guide is for older Dell Systems (. Philip, I have a Dell Inspiron N5010. The update driver Synaptics – Windows 10 64 bit did not solve my scrolling problem. I attempted to use the latest Synaptics Touchpad driver Windows7/10 64 bit, but I could not get it to install. I cannot see where to find the 64 bit information in the folder files.
I am having the same problem finding the 64 bit information in the Synaptics driver files and I need this to add to the address of the download location. Can you provide help in locating this information? I have clean installed Windows 10 Creator’s Update (1703) on a Studio 1558 Memory: 8GB; CPU: i7-720QM, Chipset: HM55; Wireless: Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6200 AGN; Display: AMD Mobility Radeon HD 5470. I used the “touchpad_synaptics_w84_x10_a02_setup-nvcd2_zpe” for the Touchpad.
Jan 19, 2016 - I have 2 Precision M6400's running Windows 7 Pro and both are working fine on Win 7. I notice Dell does NOT support the Windows 10 upgrade to the M6400. For the Bluetooth I found that there is a Lenovo driver that is the.
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I tried the Synaptics –,, and the Dell I ended up using the Dell as the Touchpad seems to work the best.
The first two Synaptics drivers caused a complete loss of the Touchpad. Good thing I remembered the keyboard shortcuts for shutting down (Alt+F4). Otherwise, I would have had to do a hard reboot. The Generic Synaptics and the Dell drivers worked, but, there were issues when trying to copy and paste. Unfortunately, I cannot remember or find how I came up with the Dell driver file. I’ll keep looking.
It came off the Dell ftp site. I saved all the links but there are over 50 of them. I’ll post the complete install order and driver name/version used, under the “Driver Sets”. Thank you Philip, for your VALUABLE documentation!!!!
I would have never figured this out on my own. Thank you for the post! I hava a Dell Latitude 6430u, which originally came with Windows 7 Pro.
When updating to Windows 10 the touchpad started to bad functioning: Driver 10.1207.101.103 was installed and right click was not functioning, left click acted as right click, not click on pad neither scrolling. I’ve tried the first 17 Alps drivers listed above with the following results: 8.1200.101.218 8.1200.101.217 8.1200.101.214 8.1200.101.209 Almost good – Left click and pad clicking work ok, but left click and scrolling are still not functioning. 10.1207. 8.1206.101.118 8.1206.101.115 8.1206.101.112 8.1206.101.110 8.1206.101.109 8.1206.101.104 8.1200.101.218 W10 8.1200.101.134 8.1200.101.129 Bad functioning: Equal as driver 10.1207.101.103 after the update I kept 8.1200.101.218 installed but I hope someone else could find a workaround for this issue. Anyway, thank you again for your help.

You gave me a bit of hope for a while. Once again, the good Doctor has provided me with the cure after Dell’s customary failure to do so. It seemed as if I had no choice but to permit the download of software I already have after it became clear it was the only way either of us was going to get what we wanted. The resulting scan, I was told, “might take a few moments.” Not a hard + fast term in actual meaning but it suggests you might be facing a wait of a duration not widely considered to be long. The British rationale would commonly interpret it as, ‘I’ll put the kettle on!’. No one would expect that 2+ hours later those ‘few moments’ would still be counting down, but that’s what happened, I’d still be waiting now if I hadn’t bailed out!
There was no, ‘Sorry, scan has failed’, well, I’m sorry that I’ve been consistently let down by Dell Support + now, for the 3rd time(?) one of Doc Yip’s spot on, idiot-proof (a personally approved rating) guides has solved my problem, just in the nick of tim, too. If I had to put up with the cursor moving when my palm brushes the touchpad when I type, for much longer, I would have done something regrettable, to me most likely, to someone, anyway, I’m sure. The service these guides provide are of great value to many people + the public spirit exhibited by the effort put into providing them is a true measure of the man, he deserves a medal! These guides are just what the Doctor ordered, you might say?!? Sincerely thankful, Ricky Dickson. Dell 11z 1110 – tried with both (32bit) Anniv and Creat: It has an Elan SmartPad (which is a pretty appalling thing but we are where we are). Basically none of the Dell offerings worked properly (or at all in some cases) – the Dell “utilities” are also pretty bad – but there is what is more or less an Elan generic driver (i.e.