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Feb 13, 2018 - Just got back from watching it tonight, let me tell you, the first big surprise was how how many people turned out for it, for a Thursday night the.

'Underworld: Rise of the Lycans' is the third movie of the Underworld series and in this one we are back in time where the race of aristocratic vampires had Lycans as their slaves and we watch how they rise up against the cruel vampire king and what happened next. I liked this movie because it was something really different from all the other vampire movies and I also liked the thing that it turned us so back to show us how the things were there and how all this things started from the beginning of them.

The interpretations of Michael Sheen who plays as Lucian, Rhona Mitra who plays as Sonja and Bill Nighy who plays as Viktor were simply outstanding. Finally I have to tell you that I strongly recommend this movie such as all of the Underworld movies. The summer solstice by nick joaquin pdf file.