Dr Web Antivirus Haqida


Doctor Web is the Russian developer of Dr.Web anti-virus software. We have been developing our products since 1992. The company is a key player on the Russian market for software that meets the fundamental need of any business — information security.

Doctor Web is one of the few anti-virus vendors in the world to have its own technologies to detect and cure malware. Our anti-virus protection system allows the information systems of our customers to be protected from any threats, even those still unknown. Doctor Web was the first company in Russia to offer an anti-virus as a service and, to this day, is still the undisputed Russian market leader in Internet security services for service providers. Zuma deluxe free download full version with crack windows.

Kompyuter viruslari va antivirus dasturlari haqida ma'lumot. Win 95.CIH virusiga qarshi choralarni ko‘rish imkoniyati Dr.Web dasturida mav­jud. Ishonamizki, O‘zbekiston Respublikasida Dr.Web antivirus texnologiyalarini tarqatish umuman ta’lim muassasalarining AT-infratuzilmasini yanada zamonaviy, xavfsiz va eng oxirgi AX-tahdidlariga qarshi turishga bardosh qiladi, shuningdek yoshlar orasida antivirus mavzusiga qiziqish o‘sishi drayveriga aylanadi va litsenziyalangan dasturiy ta.


Doctor Web has received state certificates and awards; our satisfied customers spanning the globe are clear evidence of the high quality of the products created by our talented Russian programmers.