Garmin Xt Wince 800x480

Scorpions. I have a car dvd gps device, model Caska ca3660 and I can't get it to work with Garmin mobile xt. I've downloaded every possible version of garmin, even one made for 800x480 resolution to no effect, when I try to run garmin.exe, the.mscr script goes all the way but the app doesn't start. It seems like the windows ce 5.0 that comes with this device lacks some important DLL but I don't know if that's the problem. I've installed Miopocket and WolfNCU to see if they replace the missing DLL but nothing happens.
Garmin Mobile XT CE for Chinanavi with 800x480. is a community where you can find all needed for your GPS. (Garmin-Asus-M10)-for-WINCE-6-(800x480)&highlight=garmin+windows+sirf also this doesnt specify which windows CE its for. Just windows Ce. So i am confused which one is newer?
The specs of the system: Processor Samsung ARM 400mhz Memory: 256MB RAM OS: Windows CE 5.0 (build 1400) --> I think it lacks most of drivers. Thx in advance!

Every copy of mobile xt must be activated. Maps are free, except for city navigator. GArmin mobile xt 5.0.20 has to be purchased and activated at a garmin center. Dont give me any of that garmin is giving mobile xt as a free app crap. All garmin app comes free either with a nuvi pna or a nuvi phone. Without their device the only app available for wm is mobile xt WHICH IS A COMMERCIAL PRODUCT.
So jj62mtp, get your facts straight. It is still 'WAREZ' when you are trying to rip it of like this.