Harley Transmission Serial Numbers
Tech's Web Harley-Davidson® Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Info 1970-1980 Harley Davidson ® VIN Identification Guide This list is unofficial and is not gospel, only what I have been able to cross in various manuals, web sites and dealerships. The mummy 1999 bittorrent download. If you have more updated info on this data, please let me know.
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Aug 19, 2018 I have looked in my Palmer book but can not find how to determine transmission date codes. Any know how to judge the year of a 4 speed big twin tranny. ↳ 1903-1951 Part Numbers Cross Reference Manual ↳ 1940 - 1947 OHV and Side Valve Engine Models Service Manual. ↳ The Harley-Davidson Combination Straightening and Aligning Table.

Year Groups Model Info VIN Info • Numbers on both frame and engine. From the factory, the numbers on the frame and engine matched exactly*. (There is an exception to this. See ' The 1979 Exception' below). The legal VIN number is on the frame.