Hd Loader Ps2 Fat Seri

Cocok untuk semua type ps2 slim seri 7000x,75000x, 79000x. Bisa untuk booting hardisk,NA tw ini suport untuk semua jenis hd loader, baik yang masih asli atau sudah di modifikasi Background gambarnya. *MMC ini sudah menggunakan multi Region,Jadi 1 mc booting bisa dipakai untuk semua type PS2 slim/fat * Untuk ps2 slim seri 9000x harus.
The Original PS3 Phat Model There are several original Phat model PS 3 which are usually referred to by the size of their internal hard disk drive. Released were the 20, 40,60,80,160GB. The most common Phat model console released and in Australia were 40, 60, 80 Gig The 60Gb was the only model released in Aus that had features that made it stand out from the rest including today’s latest Slim Version. The 60Gb Phat Having the ability to play PS 2 games also having a massive number of USB ports on the front, 4 in total, including an abundance of memory card reader slots this PS model stood out from the rest. The only difference in the appearance of the first five Phat Playstation was the color of the trim, number of USB ports, the presence or absence of a door (which covers the flash card readers on equipped models) and some minor changes to the air vents. Sony Playstation 3 Models from bottom Original Phat to the Slim then the Super Slim on the top Check Below to See what model console you have Via the Serial number stamped at the rear of the console on a white label It will start with CECH*** Example Checking the table below CECH2002B is the PS3 250Gb Slim Model Playstation 3 Slim Model Latest model PS3 Super slim Released October 2012 looking quite cheap with a sliding disc drive tray This is the current model in production in retail stores now March 2013.
Release 12GB 20GB 60GB 80GB 40GB 120GB 250GB 160GB 320GB 500GB Region Nov 2006 CECHB** CECHA** NTSC Mar 2007 CECHC** PAL Aug 2007 CECHE** NTSC Oct 2007 CECHG** CECHH** PAL NTSC Nov 2007 CECHJ** PAL NTSC Aug 2008 CECHK** CECHL** PAL NTSC Oct 2008 CECHM** CECHP** CECHQ** PAL NTSC Sep 2009 CECH-20**A CECH-21**A PAL NTSC Oct 2009 CECH-20**B CECH-21**B PAL NTSC Oct 2010 CECH-25**A CECH-30**A PAL NTSC Sep 2010 CECH-25**B CECH-30**B PAL NTSC Oct 2012 CECH-40xxA PAL Oct 2012 CECH-40xxB CECH-40xxB PAL NTSC Slim Model Playstation 3 Slim Phat Model Playstation 3 Fat (Phat) Super Slim New PS3 Super Slim.
HD Loader Get ready for the ULTIMATE game experience. A world's first has now become possible with the HD Loader. Utilizing exciting new technology, HD Loader allows you to install and run your Playstation 2? Games directly from a hard disk drive connected to your console (Sony PS2 Network adapter?and compatible hard disk drive required).
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Ever wanted to load your PS2 games onto your hard drive and then run them without the hassle of swapping discs? Ever been annoyed by the extremely long loading times while reading data from a game disc?
Back in Stock! Shipping within 1-2 days after your purchase. Still the best HDD solution for the original PS2 systems! HD Loader solves these problems and does so much more to expand the. HD Loader is a revolutionary piece of software which allows you to store games on any modern high capacity IDE Hard Drive connected to your PS2 (Sony Network adapter required ). Now you can install, delete and manage your games and files on your HDD with just a click of a button.
The simple and intuitive multi lingual user interface allows easy navigation and selection of files stored on your Hard drive. Games are executed at lightning speed and accessed directly from the HDD, no need to insert your game disc. Just launch HDLoader and select the game you wish to play. HD Loader is the ultimate Hard drive storage and management solution for PS2. Product Details Enhance Your Gaming Experience• The Playstation 2 is capable of reading data from a hard disk drive much faster than it can read from a CD or DVD. Using HDLoader to run your games from a hard disk drive leads to significantly reduced game loading times. Never again will you need to endure painfully slow loading times which plague so many games!
• HDLoader makes gaming more convenient by allowing you to store your games on a hard disk drive, eliminating the need to change discs each time you wish to play a different game. Simple and Attractive Graphical Interface • HDLoader’s user interface is designed with simplicity in mind?boot up HDLoader and begin playing your games without wasting any time navigating through a complex user interface. • The intuitive user interface allows easy management of games currently installed on your hard disk drive. Marathi dabalbari bhajan video. Add or remove games with the push of a button. • The interface is multi-lingual.
Use HDLoader in your own language. Excellent Compatibility • HDLoader offers excellent compatibility with your games?over 95% of games work flawlessly when running from your hard disk drive. • HDLoader is compatible with both standard IDE hard disk drives and the official Playstation 2?hard disk drive. • A PS2 broad band adapter and a hard drive are required.