How To Install Rens Beauty Pack Oblivion
Hello fellow gamers, I'm in desperate need for help. I recently downloaded the latest Game of the Year edition of Oblivion from Steam.
I also downloaded Nexus Mod Manager. I used the Nexus Mod Manager to download some Mods and they all installed perfectly in the Manager. I made absolutely sure all the boxes were checked and everything was ready to go. I fired up the game in Steam and not a single Mod was working. Here is a list of all the Mods I installed in the order they appear in Nexus Mod Manager: Female EyeCandy - Body Replacer (Nude) Version 1.0 by: Exnem God Mod - God Version 4.0 by: Dante Illumination Within Version 1.0 by: Slap & ModMan Kvatch Rebuilt Version 2.1.2 by: Kvatch Rebuilt Team and DeltaStrium Official Oblivion 12416 Patch by: Bethesda Rens Beauty Pack Version 1.1 Vibrant Textures Weather DistantLOD Vanilla Enhancements Version 1.6.5 by: Corepc Here is some extra information.

This mod adds a new race to the game: the Mystic Elf. It features new hair styles, new head meshes and new textures for this race.
I used Nexus Mod Manager with a downloaded copy of Skyrim from Steam. All the Mods worked beautifully, so I can't understand why Nexus Mod Manager isn't working with Oblivion. Please help, if at all possible. I've done all matters of searches and only got confused. What seems to work fine for others hasn't worked for me. Thanks in advance for any and all technical support.
Okay so these are the mods that I can recommend for Oblivion. This is going to be a shorter list because I honestly don't play TES IV much anymore and my original mod folder doesn't exist anymore. Without that original mod folder I'm not going to be able to remember some of the mods I used to have. I do still however have TES IV installed and I do have a handful of mods installed that I love too much to play without. My mod style back in the TES IV days was very focused on player homes and outfits and silly stuff so I don't know how useful this list will be. I will only include mods that I did use at one point on this list.
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I will not recommend you anything that I do not have personal experience with. I'll be breaking this list down into two parts: -Mods that I currently have installed (which isn't many) -And mods that I remember having installed at one point ---------------------------------------------- *Remember to mod your game at your own risk, mods can totally break your game* Make sure to always read mod descriptions and installation instructions -------------------------------------------- All of my mods come from the Nexus, which back when I started modding was just the 'TES Nexus'. ----------------------------------------- Mods I currently have installed for TES IV: Oblivion --------------------------------------------------- Rens Beauty Pack (adds new hairs and mystic elf race): Lera and Pizz Hiyoko Store (adds fun armors and weapons sold at a shop in Cheydinhal): Let The People Drink (probably my favorite aesthetic mod for Oblivion. There is a quest you have to do.): and those are the ONLY three I have installed right now. I know it's weak but I don't play much anymore but when I do play I miss those mods too much and have to install them. Quick tip about Rens Beauty pack: if you decide to play as a mystic elf you'll need to wait until exiting the prison at the end of the first sequence to make your character because the Emperor and Co. Won't show up to your cell ever otherwise.
Also the Lera and Pizz store sign used to change one of the other store signs in the city but it might be fixed by now. ------------------------------------------- Mods I remember and can still highly recommend for TES IV: Oblivion ---------------------------------------------- Illumination Within (this makes an awesome difference at night, I might even reinstall this one): Kvatch Rebuilt (*warning this one is buggy and can really mess with Kvatch's weather system*): Glenvar Castle (Massive player home, lots of cool rooms to explore): The Lost Spires (I love this mod. It adds an awesome Archaeology Guild to the game and tons of playtime. It isn't cannon but its incredibly well made and lots of fun.): Ancient Towers (Really cool player home that has a ton of awesome little features including a kitchen that you can actually cook food in. It was ahead of its time, I'm looking at you Skyrim.): Clocks of Cyrodiil (adds an element of realism to the world): Bravil Sea Domes (really unique underwater player home): Midas Magic Spells of Aurum (adds a ton of awesome spells): Book Jackets (more interesting book jackets): Improved Fruits, Vegetables and Meats (makes a difference you didn't know you needed.): Alluring Potion Bottles (ooooh pretty): Alive Waters (adds a bunch of sea(?) life different fish crabs etc.