John Deere Planter Serial Number Guide
Locate your John Deere Product Identification Number. Finding your model number and serial number is as easy as locating the identification tag on your machine. As seen in the example, the model number will be displayed below the MODEL heading (Example: Z235), and the serial number will be underlined on the top-right corner of the tag (Example.
Tkp 45 501 254 2012 form. Locate the VIN according to your specific John Deere tractor. Microsoft office enterprise. For John Deere steel-deck walk-behind mowers, stand behind the mower and locate the VIN on the left side of the mower deck. For John Deere 100 Series tractors, stand behind the tractor and locate the VIN on the frame near the back left wheel. For John Deere zero-turn mowers, face the back of the mower, lift the seat and locate the VIN at the top of the frame on the right side. All VINs are on a sticker that states 'Manufactured by John Deere.' Most VINs will be either 13 or 17 letters or numbers, but units built in the '60s and '70s may only have five or six letters or numbers.

Identify the letter and numbers in positions nine through 12 in a 17-symbol VIN. In order, these identify the security code, calender year of manufacture, transmission code, and wheel or track designation. The calender year of manufacture will be denoted by an A for 2010, B for 2011 and so on. The transmission code will be denoted with an A, C, D, E, H, P or R. The wheel or track designation will denote a 0 for wheel or a 9 for track. VINs with 13 letters and numbers do not include this information.
Operators Manual for John Deere 494A Corn Planter This Operators Manual contains 68 pages of helpful information. The manual is a digitally enhanced reproduction of the OEM manual and is bound for a lifetime of use. A must have for any John Deere 494A owner. Notes: Year / Serial Number: Sample Page(s) from Operators Manual Which Manual Do I Need? There are 3 main types of manuals, each with a specific purpose. Some manuals combine types (i.e. Parts + Operators, etc.), but the basic function of the manual types remain the same and are as follows: • Service Manual (SVC) - The service manual (Shop manual or Repair manual) tells you how to take the machine apart, fix it, and put it back together.
It is written in the language of a mechanic and may include valuable detailed information such as specifications, torques, ranges, etc. If you are serious about repairs or restoration, you need the service manual. • Parts Manual (PTS) - The parts manual has exploded views of all parts on the machine, giving great detail on assembly and disassembly. It also includes a guide for ordering parts.
It picks up where service manuals leave off. If you do your own repairs, you need the parts manual. • Operators Manual (OPT) - The operators manual (Owners manual) came with the tractor. It gives the owner/operator instructions, shift patterns, capacities (anti freeze, crankcase, etc.) and adjustment procedures (brakes, clutch, etc.). This is a critical tool for operating and maintaining your machine. • Complete Kits - Get all the manuals for your machine plus a few other perks and ensure you will not be missing critical information in the middle of your repair job.