Kak Najti Pahovuyu Venu
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English term: Zoning plan; detailed development plan english definition: Statutory term for detailed physical plan together with legally binding provisions, cf. Zoning provisions, for regulating development and protection of land, water courses, sea areas, buildings and the external environment in specific areas in a municipality. The zoning plan is by and large obligatory for any kind of development. Thus, a building permission for projects of some extension can not be issued before a zoning plan is approved. Accordingly, in areas where building projects of some scale are to be build, the zoning plan is the obligatory regulatory instrument. Besides, the zoning plan is required in areas where the planning authority has decided that such a plan is a precondition for development. In all these situations the zoning plan is legally equalized with the Building development plan (cf.) Otherwise, a zoning plan should be prepared to the extent it is necessary to safeguard the realization of the overall plans according to law.
However, National policy provisions, the County master plan and the Land use part of the municipal master plan (cf.) should only serve as guidelines for preparation of zoning plans. Zoning plans shall be sufficiently limited in scope to enable them to be implemented within a reasonable period of time. In zoning plans together with Building development plans, the following land use categories can be designated: Building areas, Agricultural areas, Public traffic areas, Public outdoor recreation areas, Danger areas, Special areas, Common areas, Areas for renewal (cf.) Several land use categories may be established within the same area or building. But the land use categories Open air recreation area and Nature conservation area, may not be combined with the category Agricultural area (cf.). It may also be stipulated that an area or building after a specifically defined period of time or when other specific conditions have been fulfilled, shall be transferred from one land use category to another. To the extent necessary, provisions for the regulations concerning design and use of areas and buildings in the area covered by the plan should be formalized, cf. Zoning provisions.
Calculo 1 larson 9 edicion pdf descargar. The provisions may impose conditions for use or may prohibit certain kinds of use in order to promote or ensure compliance with the purpose of the zoning. In this regard it may also be stipulated the smallest play area required for each dwelling unit and laid down further rules for the content and design of such areas. It might also be required that measures in pursuance of the plan should be implemented in a special order. No provisions may be laid down concerning the discharge of water or of the water level. Within the municipal organization the Municipal Council is entitled to initiate zoning plans.
The Municipal Council shall ensure that the Standing Committee for Planning Matters has proposals for zoning plans prepared, and that the plans are taken up for revision as circumstances require. Learn english through tamil pdf books. In the same way, the Municipal Council may order the Standing Committee for Planning Matters to have zoning plans prepared for areas, which are not subject to zoning obligations or to revise such plans.
In any case, anyone can initiate zoning plan proposals for municipal handling. If the plan proposal holds the legal requirements for presentation, the planning authorities are obliged to consider the proposal for public handling, cf.