Kirby Planet Robobot 3ds Roms Download
Learn more details about Kirby: Planet Robobot for Nintendo 3DS and take a look at gameplay screenshots and videos.

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Kirby Planet Robobot 3DS CIA Download (USA)(EUR):- As Kirby naps under a tree, a group of robotic invaders—the Haltmann Works Company—descend from the skies of Dream Land and overrun Planet Popstar with machinery. Both King Dedede and Meta Knight retaliate against the invaders. King Dedede uses his castle's cannons and Meta Knight uses his Halberd, but the enemies' weaponry easily defeats both. Kirby wakes up and seeing the machinery, sets out to stop the invaders.
Shortly into his adventure, Kirby is attacked by one of the HWC's soldiers, piloting a large mech suit called Invader Armor. After Kirby defeats it, the grunt is knocked from the pilot's seat, allowing Kirby to hijack the mech for himself by transforming it into Robobot Armor. Extra Tags(Just Igonore): kirby planet robobot 3ds download,download kirby planet robobot 3ds rom,kirby planet robobot 3ds cia download,how to download kirby planet robobot,3ds rom download,3ds cia download,citra emulator.
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