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Jul 28, 2012 - Hi, my phone crashed, with a stupid demo game, and I had to use the 3 buttons reset. Now, I do not have access to nokia video and photo. Nokia n8 software free download - N8 Mobile, Nokia Suite, Nokia Software Updater, and many more programs. N8 Mobile, Nokia Suite, Nokia Software Updater, and many more programs. Nokia n8 software free download - N8 Mobile, Nokia Suite, Nokia Software Updater, and many more programs. Editor Rating. Editor Rating & up & up.
You could try reinstalling the Firmware using Nokia Suite. If that doesn't do the trick then you will have to go to a Nokia Care point to get those applications re-installed.
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I realise it's too late now but did you try holding the power button down for eight seconds until three vibrations are felt when your phone crashed? This would have re-booted the phone without losing any of your applications/data and is the equivalent of pulling the battery out. The three fingered suicide is meant to be used to try and switch on an otherwise dead phone and shouldn't be used for any other purpose.