Norton Ghost 11 Boot Cd Iso Download
Note: This information is intended for registered local support providers (LSPs) at Indiana University. If you are an IU LSP and have questions regarding this content,; otherwise, contact your campus. Note: The steps below are for the outdated Boot CD.
For instructions for creating a new Boot CD (preferred), visit: To use the Symantec Ghost Boot CD image available for Windows from, follow these steps: • From the Software for LSPs section of IUware Online, under Utilities, click the Symantec Ghost Boot CD link to download the ISO image. • Burn the ISO image onto a CD. • Boot the computer that is to be ghosted with the CD.

Nov 23, 2011 SILWYN vellore, Tamil nadu, India I share my files with U please send the comment. For your (Friendship). View my complete profile. Years ago, I had a Ghost disc that I could boot with, that would. I have the Symantec ISO (Ghost 15.0) but what other files to I need?
• For the Ghost Boot CD to work properly, the MAC address of the computer must be registered. To determine if the MAC address has been registered, follow the instructions at If the IP address starts with 10, the MAC address is not registered. • Once the MAC address is registered, you can map drives from the command prompt using NetBIOS names ( computername share) or an IP address ( share). Note: Do not use a fully qualified hostname (as in share), as it will not work. Below is sample input, the first line for NetBIOS names and the second for IP numbers: net use * computername share net use * share If you want to specify a drive letter, replace * (the asterisk) with the drive letter. Perednyaya bortovaya na t 40 youtube.
If you leave the asterisk, the share will be mapped to the first available drive letter. • After mapping your drives, enter Ghost32.exe and use Ghost as usual.