Power Pete Game Download Windows
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Power Pete is an overhead view 2D shooter developed by Pangea Software and published by Interplay under the MacPlay brand name. It was released in 1995 and packaged with Mac OS 7 on new Macintosh Performa computers. Also providing a demo version of the game available to download.
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A 3D puzzle game based on Enigmo. More free Game Files to play with Enigmo 2. This is the shareware re-released version of our old game Power Pete.
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Kursovaya rabota tetris. • One song in the and versions is the (or Karinka, as referred in-game), a famous Russian song written. Nintendo Entertainment System version [ ] • Music 1 in Nintendo's NES version is 'Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy', a tune noted to be scene 14c of act two of, composed.
This is a sampling of the intro and first level of Mighty Mike, also known as Power Pete, and developed by Pangea Software. Power Pete came on our Macintosh Performa 6300CD circa 1995. This walk through was done using SheepShaver and QuickTime screen recording. I still have the original Power Pete game, but it's unplayable on an emulator. When Pangea rereleased the game later as Mighty Mike they fixed it so it won't run at ludicrous speed. I beat the game once as a kid, and it was NOT easy. You can see from the playback that you're limited in the directions you can shoot.
There's a lot of levels, but fortunately you can save your place. Obviously I didn't do so well at this play through, as I got lost and backtracked the whole level before finding the last bunny. The main point is to showcase the gameplay, the music, and the wonderful back talking by Pete though. I do have access to the music samples for the rest of the levels, and I could put together a video showcasing those if people want it.
I'm not going to do a complete play through the whole game though.