Soundtracs Topaz 14 4 Manual Download
Soundtracs consoles Soundtracs Topaz First here's an original Independant REVIEW of TOPAZ 8 / PROJECT 8 The Soundtracs Topaz Project 8 replaces the original Topaz mixer, but the changes between the two consoles are largely cosmetic. The body of the Project 8 is now a dark gray Nextel finish. (Nextel resembles a 'fuzzy' paint look.) Additionally, the garish pastel knobs of the original Topaz have been replaced with dark knobs for a more professional look, and bushings have been added to the knob shafts, providing a solid feel. Other than these and a few other minor alterations, there are no major feature or performance changes between the discontinued Topaz and the new Topaz Project 8. The Project 8 is an analog 8-bus mixer designed for multitrack recording that comes in 24- and 32-channel (48- and 64-input) versions. Because it's an in-line design, the Project 8 has two inputs (Channel and Monitor) for each channel strip. Generally, the Channel is used for recording live tracks during tracking and overdubbing and for tape tracks during mixdown.
I cant find a manual on it anywhere only a picture of its younger brither the Maxi 4:.
The Monitor can be used to monitor previously recorded tape tracks (or virtual MIDI/workstation tracks) during tracking/overdubbing and for sending any other line input source to the 2-track bus during mixdown. Channel Inputs Starting from the top of the input channel, the Project 8 has a scribble strip and switches for phase reverse, phantom power, flip and bus (more on flip and bus later). The gain pot has a 10dB to 60dB range for mic and a -20dB to 30dB range for line-level signals.

The channel EQ section has a high-shelving band at 12 kHz, low-shelving at 80 Hz, and two swept-mid EQs. MF1 EQ is sweepable from 350 to 8k Hz, and the MF2 EQ is sweepable from 50 to 1k Hz. Microsoft visio 2010 portable indowebster idm1303997 pro. All EQ has a +/-15dB range and a center detent. EQ bypass switches are provided. A dedicated 2-band EQ devoted to the Monitor input consists of high-/low-shelving EQs (80 and 12k Hz), both with a +/-15 dB range.
The aux section uses a four-of-six arrangement, meaning that there are six aux send outputs, but only four can be used on a channel at a time. Aux 1 is a pre-fader channel send, and Aux 2 is a pre-fader monitor send; unfortunately, these cannot be switched for post-fader use. Auxes 3 and 4 are post-fader sends and can be switched for use with either the Channel or Monitor input. Switches allow routing Aux 3 to the Aux 5 output and Aux 4 to the Aux 6 output. Connection All of the jacks, except for headphone and talkback, are located on the back of the mixer. The mic inputs are XLRs; all others are 1/4-inch phone jacks.
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