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The Krenim are a humanoid native to the and possess powerful temporal technology which can remove objects and events from history. In the, the Krenim held over 200 star systems, known as the Krenim Imperium, but by 2170, their numbers were vastly depleted due to a series of large-scale wars. In, the Krenim were swiftly invaded by the, and were thought to have been completely annihilated. The Krenim survived, hidden, largely thanks to their allies in the who work with the Krenim in contributing to the war effort against the. As experts in temporal engineering, they were a particular threat to the Iconians and were attacked early on by their servitors in numerous timeline projections. A female Krenim The Delta Quadrant [ ] •: informs the player that a has been attacking Delta Quadrant civilizations, and 'even the Krenim' were no match for them. •: explains to the player post-mission that the secretive nature with the Vaudwaur stasis tubes is due in part to the and Krenim's apparent demise.
•: It is revealed that the has been sent on a secret mission into Krenim space. Iconian War [ ] •: database entries reveal that the Iconians are extremely concerned about the possibility of survivors in Krenim space, and have ordered the Vaadwaur to destroy all contacts found in the region. They also express concern that Krenim artifacts may be recovered by the. •: After acquiring a Krenim artifact from, the player and Captain discover a hidden Krenim Colony in the. The colony's leader,, reveals that the Krenim have been able to conceal an entire planet from the Vaadwaur by rendering it out of sync with time. Pross solicits the help of the Iconian Resistance to build a ship containing a temporal weapon, originally designed. •: With the help of the Iconian Resistance, the Krenim have constructed, where both jointly work on a temporal weapon to stop the Iconians.
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As the effort, headed by Captain Nog assisted by and Krenim researcher, is still weeks from producing a first prototype, the Resistance holds a meeting aboard the space lab and decides for an all out frontal attack to buy the required time. •: The efforts of the Krenim and the Iconian Resistance bear fruit and the construction of the temporal weaponship is finished. After several holodeck simulations aboard the Kyana temporal research station, the Annorax performs a temporal incursion aimed at preventing the ever re-discovering. The new timeline has to be reset, however, as it inadvertently caused the to overrun.

•: Noye brings the Annorax to the to open a so that the player can travel to the past and prevent the Iconians from escaping the attack on and becoming a threat. Future Proof [ ] •: Noye and a number of Krenim ships and ground troops, most likely those Krenim who wish to use their temporal incursion technology to restore the Imperium, attack the signing of the Temporal Accords after stealing the Annorax and attacking Kyana Research Station.
•: Rogue Krenim officers support during the battle for. A large number of Krenim vessels is seen leaving for before player can stop them. •: Forces of the clash with the in the orbit of. Large number of vessels participate in an attack on. They are joined by, in an attempt to prevent the Enterprise from firing the.
Divx ita countdown dimensione zero 2017. Owens e il signor Tideman * Ron O'Neal: Dan Thyrman * Charles Durning: Samuel Chapman * Victor Mohica: Black Cloud * James C. Countdown Dimensione Zero (1980) [DivX - Italian Mp3] MIRCrew [TNT Village] IMDB: tt0080736 Countdown dimensione zero (1980) Countdown dimensione zero (1980) Titolo originale The Final Countdown Lingua originale inglese Paese USA Anno 1980 Durata 103 min. Genere fantascienza Regia Don Taylor Soggetto Peter Powell Sceneggiatura Gerry Davis, Peter Powell Produttore Peter Douglas Casa di produzione Bryna Company Fotografia Victor Kemper Montaggio Robert Lambert Musiche John Scott Scenografia Fernando Carrere Costumi Ray Summers Cast: Martin Sheen: Warren Lasky * Kirk Douglas: Il capitano Matthew Yelland * Katharine Ross: Laurel Scott * James Farentino: R.
When the sphere network falls, attempts to escape, but is stopped by an. Player fights his way throughout the Annorax, all the way to Temporal Engineering. There, he successfully arrests and ends the.
Warns him things are not yet over - even without him many will rise against the oppression of the Alliance. Other involvement [ ] • In #8, negotiates the purchase of a purported Krenim artifact from Qwen.
He arranges for the artifact to be sent to to be transferred; however, Qwen has been less than honest about how the artifact came into his possession, and secretly plans to sell the artifact to. This story serves as a prelude to. •: Orndal, a Krenim security officer at a research facility, visits his supervisor, Traala. He informs her that some staff at the facility have indicated a desire to use the Krenim's technology to alter history to their species' benefit. He is also concerned about Noye's behavior, as he has been acting irritable to the point of hostility, and has prevented his colleagues from accessing the shielded temporal core. •: At some point in the future, Teadhu, a Krenim student, attends a lecture on temporal mechanics given by Professor Maureana Barkley, despite the fact that due to Noye's actions, Krenim are looked on with suspicion when they show an interest in the subject.