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Message from Chairperson of UAE Memoriadâ„¢ 2020, Dear Mental Athletes, I am Shirly Jacob, a business entrepreneur from Dubai, UAE. I take this opportunity to thank the MEMORIAD team, Mr. Ralph and Mr. Scott for opting Dubai as the host venue for MEMORIAD 2020 and also selecting me as the Chairperson for the same. I would like to extend our sincere thanks to our former MEMORIAD President Mr.

Scott Flansburgfor the Zappos MEMORIAD Olympics 2016. The Zappos Las Vegas MEMORIAD was as extraordinary achievement. MEMORIAD is a noble initiative and an Olympic event, which brings together the mental athletes of memory, speed reading and mental calculations. The year 2020 is a very promising and it is a major achievement in the timeline of UAE, as UAE prepares to host the World in Expo 2020.I can assure you that there will be no other place in the world than to be in Dubai in 2020. We are proud and privileged to be part of MEMORIAD 2020.We assure you that we will put together all our best efforts to make this as a memorable event. I take this opportunity to welcome all the mental athletes to participate in MEMORIADâ„¢ 2020 which will be held in UAE. Wish you all the best.
Reshebnik po geografii 7 klass tetradj dlya prakticheskih rabot 1. Posted October 25, 2017 @ 11:34PM by choker and water will not help ever.
Thanking you. Shirly Jacob. Memoriadâ„¢ - Chairperson.