Cerere Demisie Model Download


Exemplu Model cerere demisie. Cerere de demisie. Domnule director. Alte documente pe care utilizatorii le-au descarcat. Promisiune bilaterala de vanzare. Download formular Model de Cerere Demisie cu Preaviz in format pdf, word, doc. Descarcati gratuit cea mai buna varianta de statute, procuri,contracte, imputerniciri, cereri, decizii,autorizatii,coduri, legi, ordonante 2015. Formular Cerere Demisie cu Preaviz download gratis in format pdf, word, doc.

DEKAEM CREWING is a crewing company in Braila that deals with the selection and placement of sailing personnel on ships moving on the river sector in Europe and the A.R.A. The office of the company is located in Braila, on the main street Eremia Grigorescu (formerly Garii str.), Block 10PP, nr.28, ground floor. Here you will find from Monday to Friday, between 09: 30-12: 00 and 13: 00-16: 00, a person who will answer your questions and requests. Our services Our main priority is the recruitment of seafarers and appropriate placement, according to the seafarers’ knowledge and experience. We also help our clients and we support qualified mariners for their ships that transit through countries such as the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France or Switzerland. What do we offer?

Currently, we deal with the daily activity of about 120 sailors who are paid all taxes to the Romanian state, and the number is steadily increasing. We offer full availability to solve each request in a short time. Mariners are employed in Romania, are paid all taxes to the Romanian state and benefit from the A1 international certificate issued by the National House of Public Pensions. Also, in order to help sailors, our company issues an additional insurance policy to Allianz Tiriac for each seaman and supports its total cost. SC DEKAEM CREWING SRL was founded in 2011 and has been trying ever since to provide quality services, to help both ship owners and crew staff in solving all the problems that may issue during daily activities.

Demisie cu preaviz

The company has a database of crew staff for all positions and therefore it is able to respond affirmatively and find a solution to every request, in a very prompt way. The contract concluded between the company and the ship owners provides commonly agreed collaboration conditions, the crew staff may be the employee of SC DEKAEM CREWING SRL and SC DEKAEM CREWING SRL will deal in Romania (EU member) with all the mandatory payments of legal state taxes and fees; the ship owners will not be obliged to pay other taxes to the state where the ship is registered. We want to assure you of our full availability to solve all problems and of our serious and professional approach on each issue.

The payment to SC DEKAEM CREWING SRL will be settled within the conditions of the collaboration contract and will be made via bank according to the issued invoices. Please note that there will be no other hidden costs and we do not charge other fees from those initially set when signing the contract.

SC DEKAEM CREWING SRL wishes all ship owners and crew staff success in their business and we are looking forward to a fruitful collaboration based on honesty and mutual respect.

Renuntarea la locul de munca este o decizie care poate influenta restul carierei tale. Tu trebuie sa stii ca cererea de demisie este o decizie unilaterala a angajatului neavand nevoie de aprobarea angajatorului.

Cererea de demisie este reglementata in codul Muncii impreuna cu perioada de preaviz. Preaviz demisie Angajatul este obligat sa respecte perioada de previz prevazuta in Codul Muncii. Termenul de preaviz in cazul demisiei este de 20 de zile lucratoare pentru salariatii cu functii de executie si 45 de zile lucratoare pentru salariatii cu functii de conducere. Se poate elimina perioada preavizului prin acordul partilor la incetarea contractului.

Termenul de preaviz in cazul demisiei incepe sa curga de la comunicare, dar nu include si ziua comunicarii. Cum se face o cerere de demisie? Echipa Modele-documente.info te invata cum sa faci o cerere de demisie. Nu uita ca cererea de demisie este decizia ta unilaterala, neputand fi refuzata de catre angajator. Install libusb driver windows 10.

Vezi model cerere demisie Exemplu Model cerere demisie. Cerere de demisie Domnule director, Subsemnatul.domiciliat in., Str.posesor al C.I. Eliberat de la data de CNP ______________, avand functia de.la societatea/compania condusa/administrata de dumneavoastra, SC., va rog sa imi aprobati prezenta cerere de demisie incepand cu data de respectand prevederile Codului Muncii si respectand preavizul de. Zile calendaristice.

Cerere de demisie model download

Va multumesc. Semnatura Data. Din cate stiu eu iti poti da demisa fara preaviz si nu te poate obliga sa intri in preaviz. Anunti din ce data demisionezi, mai putin data in care comunici, atat oral cat si scris, demisa ta. Cu alte cuvinte daca eu azi aduc la cunostita angajatorului demisa mea, de maine nu mai pot fi obligat sa vin la munca, asta daca am predat tot ce era de predat, daca este cazul bineinteles. Daca angajatorul doreste sa te concedieze, atunci intri in preaviz cu jumatate de norma pentru a cauta un nou job, daca gresesc corectati-ma. Concediul reprezinta dreptul dvs legal si angajatorul este obligat sa il plateasca.