Game Dynasty Warrior Gundam 2 Untuk Pc Matic
Game Dynasty Warrior Gundam 2 Untuk Pc Matic. Yang menggunakan emulator PCSX2 untuk. Game PC Dynasty Warrior 6 ini banyak. Kali ini Cheatcap akan menshare Cheat game Karakter Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2. Dozle Zabi - Terima ajakan untuk. The Game Komputer PC Indonesia.
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 adalah game action yang diangkat dari serial anime-nya. Sebuah game pertempuran yang besar lanjutan dari kisah Dynasty Warrior: Gundam yang sudah rilis sejak 2007. Game ini mengutamakan kekuatan mobile suit sebagai alat perang.
Gamer akan dibawa ke sebuah situasi perang diluar angkasa dan permukaan bumi untuk membela masing-masing faksi yang bertikai. Di masa depan, ketika koloni angkasa diluncurkan, terjadi perang menuntut kemerdekaan atas bumi. Perang ini dikomandoi oleh organisasi ECM dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Mereka merusak semua peralatan komunikasi di bumi dengan mengirimkan n-jammer canceller.
Vse kombinacii graficheskogo klyucha. Era baru sebuah pertempuran menggunakan mobile suit dimulai. Teknologi bukan lagi digunakan untuk kemajuan umat manusia melainkan untuk saling menghancurkan sesama manusia di dunia.

NOTE – Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac): Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3: Set in the future, chaotic warfare has engulfed the universe. The world is ripe with strife as gigantic mecha called Mobile Suits march to war on land and in space. Featuring characters and mecha from over 30 years of Gundam anime and manga series, Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3 thrusts players into the galactic melee with over 50 playable and upgradable characters and over 70 playable and upgradeable Mobile Suits combed from the Gundam universe. New additions include Mobile Suits from Mobile Suit Gundam 00, Mobile Suit Gundam UC and many more.
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3 also features a number of gameplay additions to the series, including three brand new featured systems, including the Partner Strike, Emergency Dash and Recovery Gauge Systems, which will bring a new level of tactical engagement to the series. Partner Strike System will enable the player to summon partner characters to the battlefield to assist at crucial moments, affecting your character’s current melee engagement or possibly the overall battlefield conditions for your army. Emergency Dash System will allow players to execute new cancel and evasion moves negating enemy attacks. This system will bring a new level to gameplay since powerful combos can be more easily parried. The new Recovery System enables players to recover armor during battle allowing players more flexibility in their tactics on the battlefield.