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If you can dream it, you can do it: i film d'animazione Disney. Valentina Stagnaro. Download with Google Download with Facebook or download with email.
Check out these FAQs • Submission Rules • Search first! There is a wealth of knowledge in the sub-archives. Take advantage of it before you post.
• Submit anything screenwriting-related. • Text posts with nothing in the body will be removed. Get the discussion started! • Add a flair after posting.
• First Draft submissions are not allowed unless marked with the proper 'First Draft' Flair. Drafts must be properly formatted, and grammar/spell checked. • Self-Promotion threads may only be posted once every few days by each user -- spamming your website is not allowed. • Inappropriate threads or threads that do not lead to a civil discussion will be removed. • No blog-spam. • Video submissions without scripts attached will be removed.
This is after all. Show us the blueprint behind your work.
Subreddit Rules • Please be civil. Insults and childish bickering will be removed. • Inappropriate comments may result in bans. • Such as revealing personal information or identity. • Name-calling and personal attacks. • Racism/Sexism/and General Bigotry.
• Consistent Spam to the Subreddit, Mods, and/or other Users. • Absolutely no solicitation of services with money involved on this subreddit.
In order to be approved, you must contact the moderators, and be prepared to submit proof of identity and legitimacy of your services. This includes script consulting, script editing, the selling/trading of scripts, and more.
Useful Links • • • including: • • • Subreddit Filters _ _. • Like most of us, I learned a lot about screenwriting by reading screenplays. I have a pretty decent collection, but it took a while to gather these. I'm releasing my collection so other writers don't have to hunt for them. • This first batch is MOSTLY movies in the IMDB top 250.
Older and foreign movies are not well represented, but they're not really helpful, since writing styles and formats have changed a lot. As people have requested screenplays, I have cleaned up the filenames and added them to this batch, so you'll find some random (not imdb top 250) ones here and there (sorry about that). • The naming conventions people used were almost random. I have renamed almost all of them. More on the naming in a minute. • Many of the scripts have multiple drafts. • I plan on building on this with phases that include Oscar nominated/winning screenplays ( best screenplay, best actor/actress, best picture ), and collections by genre ( comedy, horror, action, etc.

I know many of you have decent collections, your assistance would be greatly appreciated by all. • The IMDB Top 250 movies is not static.
A lot has changed. Most newer movies are not included.
It's a work in progress. • Naming: I include the writer in the filename, so it's easy to search by screenwriter. I've also included a few directors (i.e.: Hitchcock ), so you can search that way. I title them:'Godfather, The' not 'The Godfather' for proper sorting.
That's how I like it, but not sure if others agree. Geri chepmen 7 sekretov zhizni chitatj. Not set in stone. Generally it's: MOVIE NAME IN CAPS (year released) Screenwriter(s) [date of script][other items of note] • Unreleased/Recently Released movies: Not only is this OUR business, it is that of the other screenwriters, producers, studios, etc. We have to balance our need to learn with their need to protect their business. Not only will I not publish an unreleased script, I will not publish a script from a movie that is still in the running for an award.
So although 'The Grand Budapest Hotel' is in the IMDB top 250, it's not included here. If the studios wish to release a version for the academy members to see, let them decide which version, when, and how to release it. I'm not going to release my version and usurp their award plans (GO WES!). A search of '2015' will turn up NO matches. This is much more conservative than the accepted practice of not releasing a script until the movie is released.

Expect a 1 year delay for scripts to be added to the library. (Like many of you, I also read recently sold, blacklist, hitlist, etc., but those probably need to continue to be passed around under the table.) Phase 1: IMDB Top 250 Movies ( incomplete ) Download individually: All the above in 1 zip file: (570MB!) For those who like torrents: Updates to follow as time allows. ( Not really a 'Request' but didn't know what flair to use ) EDIT: My dropbox limit is 20GB download per day, and that's been reached, so the link won't work for today. I'm going to keep this thing updated, so if you could wait a day ( or more ) that would be great. EDIT 2: Mirroring to a Mediafire account. The folder and zip file shared EDIT 3: Also added a Torrent per akhay's suggestion • • • • •. List of Screenplays: (500) DAYS OF SUMMER (2009) [2006] Scott Neustadter & Michael H.